Keep your music up to date between Android and PC

With storage increasing on Android devices every year, you may wish to keep your entire music collection available on your phone and have easy access to it on the go. This article provides easy to follow steps showing you how to wirelessly sync your music between your Android device and your PC using Droid Transfer.

For those of you who are iTunes users, you can also use Droid Transfer to sync your Android device with iTunes.

Quick Step Summary

You can sync music between your Android and your PC by following these steps...

  1. Connect your Android device and your PC over your local Wi-Fi using Droid Transfer.
  2. Click the "Music" tab in Droid Transfer.
  3. Click "Sync Folder" and choose a folder on your PC which contains your music library.
  4. Droid Transfer will show you the music available to sync between your phone and your PC.
  5. Choose the direction of sync: from Android to PC, PC to Android, or both simultaneously. Learn more in the detailed steps below!
Sync music folder with Android

Detailed Info: Sync All Android Music with PC

Droid Transfer can do much more than simply copy your media from Android to PC. Using the software, you can intelligently keep your music library up to date between your devices.

First of all, you'll need to connect your Android device to Droid Transfer on your PC. Connecting over Wi-Fi is as simple as scanning a QR code in Droid Transfer using your Android device. You can also connect your Android using a USB connection.

Next, click the "Music" media section on the left side of the app window.

Droid Transfer music section

Now, click the "Sync Folder" button. A pop-up box will prompt you to choose a folder. This is the folder on your computer in which you would like to store your music library. Select a folder or create a new one.

Droid Transfer will scan your chosen music folder and compare it to music on your Android device. Droid Transfer will identify:

  • Music on Android which is not in your chosen folder on your PC.
  • Music in your PC folder which is not available on your Android device.
Droid Transfer Music sync summary

Click "Sync tracks to PC" to copy new music from Android to your PC

To copy new music from your chosen PC folder to your Android device click "Sync tracks to Android".

Advanced Sync Mode: Choose the music you wish to sync

Don't want to copy all your music? Droid Transfer provides an Advanced Sync Mode. Clicking "Manual Selection" will activate Advanced Mode which lets you decide exactly which music to include in the sync.

This pane also provides information about how much data is needed for the transfer, so you can predetermine whether your Android device has enough space before you try to transfer too many tracks!

Droid Transfer Advanced Music Sync
  • "Sync Music to..." - Choose whether the sync is to Android, PC, or both!
  • "Search" - search for specific tracks, artists and albums.
  • "Include All" - Checks or unchecks all tracks.
  • "Clear Selection" - Unchecks all tracks.
  • "Include Selection" - Checks all selected tracks in the list. You can select multiple tracks by ctrl-clicking them.
  • "Include Selected Artists" - Click this after selecting a track to include all tracks by the selected artist.
  • "Include Selected Albums" - Click this after selecting a track to include all tracks in a selected album.
  • "Begin Sync" - Start copying the selected music to your chosen destination/s.

Video Guide: How to sync music between computer and Android