AI Localizer : The AI-Powered translation tool for your code

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Localize your app to 35+ languages

Effortlessly translate your Xcode-built iOS or macOS app

Watch it in action

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For macOS 12 or later.

Effortless Localization

Automatically finds all localizable text in your App. Changes save instantly in Xcode.

Translation Options

Choose between AI Translation, Microsoft Azure, Google Translate or manual translation.

Proofreading Export

Optional export of translations for human review and import back with a click.

Supports all Xcode localizable formats

Works with SwiftUI, Storyboard, XIB, and both .strings & .xcstrings formats.

Seamlessly translate your apps into different languages

Loading project into AI Localizer
Select languages for translation
Using AI to automatically translate project strings
Configure your own translation service account
Manually edit translations in AI Localizer
Exporting translations to CSV for proofreading