If Music tag is unable to connect to the internet, it won't be able to download track information or artwork for you. To solve this issue and get you up and running with Music Tag, please follow the steps in this guide.
Step 1: Update Music Tag
We are continuously updating Music Tag to improve its performance and support all new versions of Windows etc.
To ensure that Music Tag is able to use your internet connection, please give additional permissions.
Windows: Right-click on the Music Tag icon either on your desktop or in your programs folder. Click 'Properties' and then go to the 'Compatibility' tab. On here please choose to 'Run this program as an administrator'. Once done press 'Apply' and then 'OK'. Please then re-launch Music Tag and try again.
Mac: If your Mac is running macOS Mojave or higher, you can set additional permissions for apps. To do this...
Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the Privacy tab.
Scroll down to "Full Disk Access", click it > click the lock to make changes > click the "+" button > then find and add Music Tag.
Step 3: Check your firewall
A firewall could be blocking the communications between Music Tag and the internet.
If you are using a Windows computer:
Press the windows key on your keyboard and type "Allow an app through".
Select the option "Allow an app through Windows Firewall".
The "Allowed Applications" window will open...
Click "Change Settings" and enter your password if prompted.
Click "Add another app..."
A windows called "Add an App" will open. Click "Browse"
Find the Music Tag Executable on your PC. By default this is in the folder Program Files (x86)/Wide Angle Software/MusicTag/
Select "Music Tag" and then click OK.
Back in the "Add an App" window, click select "Music Tag" and then click "Network Types"
In the "Choose Network Types" window, click all the network types (Domain, Private and Public) and then click OK.
In the "Allowed applications" window, click OK to close the window and save the new settings.
Now restart Music Tag on your PC which should now be able to connect to the internet.
If you are using a Mac computer:
Open System Preferences.
Click the Security or Security & Privacy icon.
Select the Firewall tab.
Click the lock icon at the bottom of the window, then enter your administrator name and password.
Click the Firewall Options button
Click the Add Application (+) button.
Select the app you want to allow incoming connection privileges for.
Click Add, then OK
Launch Music Tag which should now connect to the internet as expected.
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