So, you've scanned your computer for duplicate files and photos using Duplicate Sweeper. You have chosen which files you would like to keep, from the groups of duplicates found.
However, upon running the duplicate removal, you have noticed that your duplicates have not actually been deleted.
There are a couple of things which could cause this error:
Older version: Updates to the software often include fixes for common issues. Ensure that you are running the latest version of Duplicate Sweeper for the most stable version of the program.
To do this, open Duplicate Sweeper and go to Help > Check for Updates.
Permissions: Duplicate Sweeper may not have the correct permissions to remove files on your computer. Set permissions to resolve this issue.
If you are using Windows, run as administrator.
Right-click on the Duplicate Sweeper icon either on your desktop or in your programs folder. Click 'Properties' and then go to the 'Compatibility' tab. Here, click 'Run this program as an administrator'. Once done, press 'Apply' and then 'OK'. Then re-launch Duplicate Sweeper.
If you are using Mac (macOS Mojave and higher), set Full Disk Access.
Launch System Preferences > Security & Privacy > click the Privacy tab. Scroll down and select "Full Disk Access". Click the lock icon to enable changes, then click the "+" icon. Finally, find and add Duplicate Sweeper to give permissions.
Location of your duplicates: Duplicate Sweeper can remove duplicate files from your computer hard drive, Google Drive, OneDrive and iCloud Drive.
However, the program will not remove duplicates from a network drive. This is primarily because network drives will often not have recycle bin enabled, meaning that any deleted files would be permanently deleted. To prevent any data loss, this type of removal is not available in Duplicate Sweeper.
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